Skincare Issues & My Acne Story
Saturday, July 09, 2011![]() | |
Why is my skin acting this way?
- Think back at the time when your skin was its best. What were you doing then?
- Good diet?
- Were you drinking more water?
- Were you taking your vitamins?
- Were you exercising?
- Were you washing your face every night?
- Were you being aware what makeup products break you out?
- Were you eating fish or taking supplements?
- Have you moved to a different area where the climate is different?
- Now, you are not doing those things and you wonder why your skin is the way it is now.
What I am doing now:
- I do not have a great diet anymore, in fact I have gained about five pounds. Not a lot but you can tell. I hate the feeling where you can feel the extra weight. You know what I mean?
- I am drinking water, but not enough.
- I do not take my vitamins as much as I should.
- I do not exercise like I should either. I did a great job months before my wedding last year, but after that I got lazy.
- I try to wash my face every night, but I feel Proactiv is not working for me anymore.
- I think I have stopped using things that break me out.
- I do not eat fish or take supplements anymore.
- I have moved to a different location and I feel that has some thing to do with my skin changes.
Proactiv issues and Acne story:
I have been using Proactiv for about four years. It changed my life to be completely to be honest because I have struggled with acne for all my adolescent/adult life. I would have it on my chin, nose, and forehead as a teenager. Now I have it on my cheeks! Proactiv worked so well in the beginning and I had no more scars, and was so clear! I had a blemish now and then but it did not look nearly as bad as it was before. Then the blemish would go away quick.
I had noticed after awhile that it started to not work as well as it did before. I was afraid my skin was getting use to it or something. I was scared that I would start to break out again and feel so insecure with myself again. My boyfriend at the time(now husband), was very encouraging and I was afraid once I broke out again, he wouldn't see me as beautiful anymore. I know, dramatic, but acne is hard to deal with. Before our wedding was flawless and looking great! I realize now it was because of the list above, I was healthy. However, once I stopped doing those things, Proacitv stopped working for me. I do not know why but it stopped. It does help more than other products, because once I leave Proactiv, my face goes crazy. I would have huge red bumps! My point is, Proactiv may help a bit, but I am not clear and glowy like I once did when I first started Proactiv; even before I was working out, eating right, and drinking more water.
I am changing skincare
I have researched a bit about skincare and natural products. I have read about what is best for your skin and what you should not do. I have found out that Proactiv may have been damaging my skin this whole time and now it is just showing its longterm effects.
What I have found out about Proactiv:
I am going to do a separate post about good skincare ingredients, but I will talk to you now about what is in Proactiv that may be hurting my skin more than helping.
- Proactiv has Benzoyl Peroxide which can dry out the skin. It does not cure acne, it's more of a bandage. It can dry out your natural oils too much which cause your skin to become oily because it's producing too much oils. Check out this site for more info. Do your own research as well because one site will not answer all questions.
I want to go for more natural products, which I have. I went to Walmart and have tried a few products that are "natural" however my skin always breaks out. That is why Proactiv was my savior because it really did work. I still have yet to find a healthier alternative that actually clears my skin.
My goals:
- Start breaking out my Jillian workout DVD and do this workout about three times a week. It works. Trust me, I looked great for my wedding!
- Eat better and less sugar! I love soda and treats. I must control myself haha.
- Vitamins! Enough said.
- Find a skincare brand that will help me out because I am done with Proactiv.
- Make my own homemade skin recipes and try them out.
- Wash my face every night.
- Find a good moisturizer.
- Save money because things are not cheap!
Basically I am eager to help out my acne problems and I am done with having it at the age of 22!
Have any tips or solutions? Comment below!
Thanks for reading.
My skin was absolutely horrible! I tried proactiv too and it didn't work for me, maybe I didn't give it long enough but I've finally found a natural-ish routine that is working great for me.
ReplyDeleteI don't eat the best foods but I do drink a lot of water! For my skin routing I use neutrogena naturals (the one that is a duo with makeup remover) it isn't completely natural but it's pretty close! Then I moisturize ( I use cvs brand mositurizer with spf it's just plain but it works great) Then at night I put a little bit of lemon juice on the blemishes with a cotton ball let it dry, then put a little aloe on them. It's so cheap The neutrogena bottle is about $7 and lasts probably 3-4 months then I buy a lemon a week so like $.40 and my aloe plant was $3 at lowes that I got in the spring and it will probably last me forever. I hope you try it out because it works great for me!
Thanks for sharing and I may try this. I have problems with drugstore brands. I have tried every thing. However, I haven't tried this particular one. I have such bad luck with skincare. Thanks for the tips Lacey!