Homemade Blueberry Face Mask

I am tired of seeing so much crap in the skincare products I see at the store. I was bored today looking into natural beauty things and I ...

I am tired of seeing so much crap in the skincare products I see at the store. I was bored today looking into natural beauty things and I thought I would make my own face mask. I just bought a few things from the store and I was excited to test it out.

What I Did:
  • I took a handful of blueberries and smashed them with a fork in a little bowl.
  • I then used a nut grinder and grind a few almonds into a container.
  • Prier to that I used a fruit juicer and squeezed out lemon juice out of one lemon and set that aside.
  • After that, I used about three drops of lemon juice in the blueberry mix and also added the almonds after I mashed them some more with a fork.
  • I mixed that real well.
  • Lastly I added some oats from oatmeal just for fun and mixed real well.
  • Done!
The Benefits of these ingredients:
  • The blueberries are full of antioxidants, and helps protect the skin from damage of stress or exposure from the sun!
  •  Almonds are a great moisturizer and great for the complexion!
  • Lemon juice helps with acne and acts as a natural toner.
  • The oats helps with exfoliating.
How to Use the mask:
  • First I am keeping it in the fridge for a little while tonight to help it be a more of a paste.
  • Then I am going to do is just spread it on my face and let it sit for about 5-10 mins.
  • Then wash it off!
 Last Comments:
I have extra lemon juice and so I am going to store that in the fridge and use it on blemishes every night. I have been breaking out lately!

Let me know of the kind of homemade skincare you have tried! I would love to know!
Thanks for reading.

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