Stress Shopping

The circle of stress shopping goes something like this: You are stressed from life, therefore you shop. You know you shouldn't ...

The circle of stress shopping goes something like this:

You are stressed from life, therefore you shop.

You know you shouldn't spend the money on that makeup but it makes you feel better to have it.

But after you click purchase, you feel like puking because you shouldn't have spent the money.

Then you get the products in the mail and forget all about how stressed you were.

Then you get stressed again and want to buy that purse......

You get the idea.

Have you ever been in this place before or often? I hate it! 

Not buying anything for a month,

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  1. Get out of my head! haha I just did this Saturday. I got BOTH MSC birthday collections. Was talking to the hubs and he said go for it, get both. I was all excited and as soon as I hit submit I was like "OH NO WHY?!?!". lol And today I'm in a funk and I'm fighting the urge to go to Ulta. When I'm stressed or mad or whatever, sparkly pretty things cheer me up.

  2. I used to have that problem....well I sorta still do but now that I am a mother I have a little more will power :)

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